Monday, May 4, 2015
Final Blog Post
Which in class writing was your favorite? Why?
-The this I believe essay because it made me realize what I really believe.
Which in class writing was your least favorite? Why?-The sex education powerpoint, because I didn't understand the point in that assignment.
Review all your writing chronologically (earliest to latest). List three
interesting observations or changes in your writing. Which are the most profound
(obvious and important)? Why?-My early writing from the first part of the semester were a lot shorter because I didn't know what to write about. But by using the "never stop typing" method my writing were longer.
If you could change anything about your writing this semester what would it
be? Why?-I would probably have wrote about other things than just sports. sports is just an easy topic and I wish I would of branched out a littler more.
What did you like best about this course?-The fact that you let us have the freedom of usually writing about whatever we wanted.
What did you like least about this course?-Sex Education PowerPoint.
What would you have done differently this semester if you could have a
do-over?-Study more
What did learn about yourself as a student, a thinker, a writer this
semester?- That I have more thoughts and ideas than I ever thought I would.
What could I, Ms. A., have done differently to improve the course?-Maybe a little more one on one time.
You begin this course with an engagement and participation score of an A.
Attendance, participation in activities and group work help you to maintain this
grade. Evaluate yourself and assign yourself a grade for the in class portion
of this course. Don’t forget the reasoning behind your self assigned grade.- I believe I should receive an A, I participated in every group activity and I believe I worked hard in class, yeah I missed a few class periods but I still made sure I participated in class and made sure all my work was turned in.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
What's In The Way?
What’s in the way.
I worry
about everything and anything. I worry about my future a lot and what I am
gonna be when I grow up. I have so many ideas of what I want to be but I doubt
myself in what I can achieve. I want to be a college wrestler but I’m afraid to
be away from home, I’m afraid to be away from my girlfriend, I’m afraid to fail
and not reach my goals like I did in high school. I have a mental block, and I
don’t know how to get rid of it. I’ve even tried mental training, I’ve read
books about succeeding in wrestling and they didn’t help. I feel like I’m in a
rut, I don’t know how to get out of this rut either. I’ve been it sense the day
I graduated high school. I had it all figured out in high school, after those
plans fell through I went into to this rut. I want to be a teacher, or a
dietitian or business owner or something like that. I don’t know its all so
complicated to figure out right now. I have a feeling that I want to go back
and wrestle but I don’t want to be away from my family or my girlfriend. So
what do I do? I think about it everyday. Some days are better than others, some
days I stress and freak out a lot, some days I think about it very little and it’s a good day. I wish I didn’t have
this mental block. My mind is my worst enemy. Its always telling me I cant do
something, and against better judgement, I listen to it. I want nothing more than
to be successful in life. I want to be somebody and not just average, but to be
great you have to go above normal human expectations, my mind tells me to be
normal and that im not special, but my body and my imagination tells me im
capabale of achieving anything. To me the human body is a machine, and with
proper care, nutrition and excersise it is capable of doing almost anything. Im
trying to get my self that way, but like I said, my mind is holding me back on
a leash. Where do I go to college next semester? Do I wrestle? Do I move on to
bigger things? What will I be successful at?
What If...
What if…
I actually tried in high school
I applied myself to my grades
I tried harder at wrestling
4. I
went to Mizzou
5. I
was rich
I lived on my own
I had a new car
I wasn’t in school
I was married
10. I didn’t have anxiety
11. I was a college wrestler
12. I was actually good at fishing
13. I
was a pro athlete
14. I had everything I wanted
15. I
lived on the beach
16. We had a different president
17. Everyone wasn’t sick right now
18. I had friends
19. I was on a wrestling mat right now
20. I was with my girlfriend right now
21. I was with my family right now
22. I was a chef
23. I went to school for nutrition
24. I knew my major
25. Coffee didn’t exist
26. Everyone was nice
27. Everyone said thank you when you
opened the door for them
28. Cars had auto pilot
29. Bad things didn’t happen
If I had it
my way I would be a professional athlete that lived on the beach. My sport of
choice being wrestling of course. Right now I wish I was living on the beach
training for the next Olympic games on the beach. That would be my ideal life.
Every day I would wake up next to my beautiful girlfriend, who would probably
be my wife by now, and go run on the beach and workout, then I’d to the
wrestling gym and wrestle for a few hours. After training I would go fishing
with Kelsey on the beach then cook dinner for the two of us. Sense I would be
rich of course we would sit on the deck of our 1,000,000 condo that overlooked
the beach and watch the waves all night long. Oh how good it sounds in my head,
everything I ever wanted right in front of me. An Olympic athlete living on the
beach with his wife and kids. Everything would be perfect. Getting paid to do
what I love. That’s my dream, why not chase it right? For one theres no money
in the sport of wrestling, and for two my girlfriend and I go to different schools,
and for three im in Missouri. I know that’s a very pestimistic outlook on life,
trust me I know im king of being negative nancy. Maybe im just a realist? Maybe
I should be a dreamer right? A little something in my head tells me to slow
down and just be average, but my ego tells me be different than anyone else.
Who do I listen to? It sucks that theres a 99.9% my dream will never come true.
Yes ill probably live on the beach with my girlfriend, but wheres the money?
Wheres the Olympic gold medal? Im sitting here wasting my potential and
opportunitys away. That’s life I guess right? Sometimes things don’t play out
like they did in your head in high school.
What if I went to Mizzou, if I went
to Mizzou im sure by now I would know my major. I would be training in a
division 1 wrestling room everyday training with the best guys in the nation. I
would be working hard towards my enitial goal out of high school, that being be
a national champion. Everyday I would get to workout and lift weights with the
guys, go to class at an awesome school and have lots of friends and at the end
of the day work on some home work and work towards my goals, graduate college
and national champion. I wish that was my life right now, but its not. That
would be perfect, that was my dream in high school. Wow, dreams change quick,
well not necessarily dreams, but the way things pan out. But in the end it was
all based off of choices I myself made! It sucks having to live with choices.
I’ve never been to Mizzou but ive seen pictures and videos, and it looks so
awesome. Just that college atmosphere looks great. OTC is literally like high
school but with not as many rules and no sports.
What if no one saw color, that would
be crazy. We would be like animals I guess. I couldn’t imagine not seeing
colors. Like red, blue, green, purple theres so many of them! When you think
about it we really take seeing for granted. Its an every day thing for most of
us. We see color at school, when were driving, when were walking, etc. We don’t
think about it or really appreciate it for what it is. Im sure some people do,
but most of us do not. Right now I see several colors just from where im
sitting, it would be so hard seeing things and not telling what color they
truly were. I stopped writing, ive run out of things to say. My mind has shut
down for the day. That’s okay I typed quite a bit of stuff. I like this class
its fun. I like typing and writing its pretty fun. I hope time is almost up
cause ive got nothing. My mind is drawing a blank, im tired so that’s what im
thinking about. And how my car is making
me mad. Im just mad at everything right now. Ive had an angry week. This week
needs to be over! On the bright side its gonna snow this weekend…said no one who
hates snow ever! Go away winter! I do not want it to snow. I want it to be
80-90 degrees and hot! Move to Hawaii right Kyle? Wrong, very expensive living.
Maybe it would be worth it. Not the volcanos. Vocanoes are no fun. Ive never
seen one maybe there cool. Hey volcanos are colorful they kinda have to do with
what im supposed to be writing about.
Decribing A Person Using Traits
Kyle Campbell
Bob was a tall, buff and attractive man, he used to have a
lot of friends until he became a little too cocky. His favorite color is red.
He liked to wear short shorts all the time. He used to be friendly and funny,
now he is just so serious all the time. When he was in high school he got
picked on because he was skinny. Even though now he is tan and stocky, he still
has no friends. He lost all his friends because all he seemed to care about was
himself, I guess it’s kind of understandable sense he was picked on in high
school. Bob does have one friend though, this average height and fat friend
sees past all of bob’s nonsense. Bob’s friend Tom’s face is covered in freckles
and pimples yet is always happy and hardly ever sad. Tom usually wears long
clothing unlike Bob who wear short. Tom has blonde, boring straight hair unlike
bob who has flowing brown hair. Yet enthusiastic Tom sees past Bob’s flaws,
always by his side Tom always calms Bob down when he is sad. Bob has a well
built, active body type and Tom is just a fat normal dude the two are best
friends because even though Bob has his moments, Tom knows he’s a good friend
I could do
with less stress in my life, I think that too much stress can take years off
your life, but I also feel that just a little stress can be good for you, it
makes us feel human. Stress is a reminder that no one is perfect and that
everyone has problems. Too much stress can make you a very unhappy person,
which could cause you to push people out of your life, which could lead to
depression. I guess there is two types of stress, good stress and bad stress.
Bad stress being you have to go to work every day to some job you hate, or a
loved one dying, etc. Good stress being you have something fun planned at the
end of the day and are hoping nothing gets in the way of it.
A conflict I
struggle with is deciding what to do with my life, I like so much but have no
idea what I want to be. I know I want to finish 4 years of college, but I have
no idea what to do. Part of me wants to be a nutritionist, or a teacher, or a
fitness coach, or a MMA fighter, or a wrestling coach. But it all seems so hard
and seems so out of reach. I feel like I’m in a constant rut and battle with
myself. I don’t want to be that 40 year old still living at home not knowing
what to do with his life. Out of high school I had it all figured out, I was
going to go wrestle in college, then things took a turn and now I’m going in
circles with my emotions. I struggle with adversity.
Deep inside
you know what to do but are scarred to try anything because you don’t want to
fail. You need to try something! It’s better than not trying anything like you
are right now. So what if you fail? Get back up and keep trying. If you face
adversity in your life, join the club, welcome to being an adult. Get back up
and keep pushing. Even if you don’t wrestle in college it doesn’t make you a
loser. I know you feel like one right now, but you’re not. Don’t let fear stop
you, you always said you don’t want to be just some average every day guy, you
want to be special, you want to be known for something. Well go get it, keep
trying, finish school, you’ll find out your degree along the way, keep working
out hard and striving to be the best you can and do something special with your
life like you always said you would. You’re not alone, many people have been
thrown off course, they either let it get them down, or they step their game up
and kick life in the face and say I’m the boss. In life you’re either a wolf or
a rabbit, don’t be a rabbit, you promised yourself you would never settle for
that, you would never settle for less than what you are capable of. Set a goal,
achieve it, set another, and achieve it. Keep on going all the way to the
Kyle I have
followed you for years, I know what you are capable of. I’ve always known
you’re special and I have been waiting for you to believe it for years. Your parents
have always believed in you, no matter what. Right now you are settling for
less than what you deserve. Yeah you have been tossed off path, get back on!
You’re 20! Be special, show people the real you and go be great, it’s what
you’ve always wanted, time to stop wishing and go get it. Get after it Kyle,
you’re better that this.
Pigeon Impossible
As detective
Beckett sits on the park bench eating his morning breakfast doing some
important CIA work, a pigeon came up to him wanting some food. This was no
ordinary pigeon, this pigeon worked for an enemy group of the CIA and was after
the CIA. The pigeon quickly swarmed detective Beckett knowing the bagel and
brief case out of his hands. The pigeon then trapped himself inside the brief
case. The pigeon started chasing detective Beckett around shooting at him and
shooting at cars. Detective Beckett started thinking of a plan, he then found
his bagel laying on the ground. He began to manipulate the pigeon, holding up
the bagel as if he was holding it for ransom over the flames of a burning car.
The pigeon really wanted this bagel more than he wanted the CIA’s information.
The pigeon then opened the case to take the bagel then detective Beckett
quickly charged the pigeon knocking him away from the case, the bagel was
launched into the air and fell right in the case on the missile launch button. The
missile was heading straight for Moscow, Russia. Detective Beckett grabbed the
brief case and started after the missile. As he was in midflight the pigeon had
returned for his bagel, detective Beckett aimed his gun at the pigeon and
fired, but nothing happened. The two had an intense stare down, detective
Beckett then pulled out the rocket launcher on his case, right when the pigeon
thought detective Beckett was going to shoot him, he opened up the brief case
and the bagel went flying out, and the pigeon flew after it. Beckett then fired
his rocket into the missile blowing it up and saving American from going to war
with Russia. Detective Beckett flew back down to the ground where the pigeon
was enjoying the bagel, Beckett gave the pigeon one last stare, put on his glasses,
and headed back to the office like it was just another day.
Things I Enjoy
2. My Family
3. My Girlfriend
5. School
Working Out
7. My Coed Softball Team
8. My Friends
9. Fishing
10. Being Outdoors
I really
enjoy food, I love cooking it, I love eating it, I love looking at it. I just
like it. I really enjoy cooking and baking. In high school I took all the
culinary classes that the school had to offer. I was also on the culinary team.
I consider myself to be a great chef, but my dad begs to differ. He considers
my cooking to be maybe a D+. My dad is a great cook, he learned from his mom
(my grandma) and she is a very good cook. My dad helps me a little and give me
little tips here and there, but I still like to do it my way. I used to want to
be a restaurant owner, after working in a restaurant I do not want to own one
anymore. My grandparents are very passionate about cooking, take in mind I had
an extended family so this is just one set out of the three sets of
grandparents I have. But anyways my grandparents are very passionate about
cooking, BBQ to be exact. They do BBQ contest year round and are participating
in the Rock n’ Ribs BBQ contest this weekend at the fairgrounds. They cook for
every occasion, they cater weddings, church events and even just family
gatherings, and they are very good at it. I am not very good at baking, I’m not
much of a sweets eater, but I still like to bake. The stuff I bake always looks
so much better in the picture they put on the internet. But I try, I prefer to
cook non sweet items, like meat, pasta, stuff like that, main entre stuff.
Maybe one day I may decide to try owning a restaurant once I’m older, but for
now it’s just a fun hobby I enjoy to do in my free time.
I suck at
fishing, I’m the guy who has the $100 rod and reel who can’t catch a cold. I
also get jealous when the people I fish with catch fish and I don’t. I love
fishing, I go all the time, and maybe 1-10 times I catch something. Every time
I go I expect to catch a record breaking bass and I end up losing about $20
worth of lures in under water snags. Yes I have anger issues when I fish, just
last summer I was having technical difficulties so I freaked out, took the rod
out of my girlfriend’s hands that she was using, and I snapped it in half. It
probably cost me more money to fish than anything. But I love it, I wouldn’t
change those times for any amount of money because they are great memories, I
love catching fish, but what makes it special is who I go with, and it’s a
great time to be with people and just talk about life. I have so many great
memories fishing with my buddies, we used to go like twice a week to the lakes
and rivers staying out till 1 in the morning not catching anything and going to
krispy Kreme at 1 because that’s the only place to get food at that time of
night. Don’t get me wrong, I have caught some decent fish, I got a gar once and
a sting ray and some nice bass, but I have more problems fishing than anything
else. Getting trapped on rivers in the dark and having to walk the canoe back
to the dark because the current is to strong. These are the stories I’ll tell
my kids one day when I have a family and tell them about my old fishing
stories, hopefully my kids will be better at it than me. Fishing is a great
past time, it’s defiantly a great hobby and you don’t have to be good at it to
do it, just have a good sense of humor, some great friends and family and a
fishing pole.
If I Was Invisible
If I was
invisible I would probably go all the places I wanted to for free. I would
probably spy on people and see what they say about me honestly, I know it’s
wrong but how could you not? I really wouldn’t want to be invisible. I like to
be noticed. I like to be able to engage with people.
Things I Believe In
I believe…
1. I like pizza
2. I like the beach
3. I like summer
4. Miracles happen
I’m a good wrestler
6. I’m strong
7. I eat healthy
8. God is real
9. I live a good life
10. I’m
a good cook
11. I have the best family
12. I like hot wings
13. I’m a good driver
14. I like to go the gym
15. I’m a good swimmer
16. I’m a good fisherman
17. I love my girlfriend
18. I will graduate college
19. I
will be successful
20. I will have a family one day
I believe that I am a good wrestler. In high school I put in the work, I
went to the camps I lifted weights almost every day, I went to all the off
season workouts I could. I believe in my mind I could have been a Division 1
wrestler, but I never did it. I had the talent, I had the skill, but a mental
block in my head kept me from being as good as I could. My senior year was my
best year. I finished the season with a 41-8 record. Throughout the season I
was ranked 6th in the state. At the state tournament I shut down and
didn’t place. They place top 6 I lost in the match to get a medal and was top
8. I missed my goal by one match, 6 minutes, I shut down. But even though I
fell short of my goals I always believed I was a good wrestler, because in the
practice room I was a beast! I beat the best kids, I had no pressure on me to
win cause I knew it was practice. I would try new moves I would wrestle hard
and leave it all on the mat. But when It came show time I didn’t wrestle like
that. I would go back to what I did best, I never would open up and leave it
all out there. It obviously worked most of the time because I was 41-8, but if
I would of opened up and not been scared to lost I would have been 49-0 state
champion and probably wrestling at a D1 school, like Mizzou. But, being shy and
not wresting as hard as I could got in the way and stopped me short of my goal.
I think about it every day, I never leaves my mind. I miss wrestling so much
because I know I have the skill and the strength and the knowledge of the sport
to be great at it, but I don’t know my place in it anymore. It’s probably my
biggest personal battle right now. I hope soon I figure out if I go back and do
it, I hope so. I believe I’m a good wrestler because I put in the time, it’s my
passion, I believed I could have been great. I worked harder at it than anyone
on my team in high school and I wanted it so bad that I would force kids to
come to off season to wrestle with me.
I Believe in Wrestling Essay
I Believe in Wrestling
I believe in wrestling. I believe in what it teaches on and
off the mat. One of my coaches always said “Life is more like wrestling than
dancing.” I started wrestling in 7th grade, I started kind of late
compared to my opponents who started as young as 6. I had to learn to be tough
and take my beating. My dad would help me anyway possible, we would go to
camps, drive to Diamond Missouri once a week on a school night so I could
wrestle with those kids that would beat me up. It wasn’t till high school I
realized he did that because he loved me, it’s all part of the learning process
of wrestling, and you have to take your beating before you can start giving
beatings. Wrestling has taught me how to work towards a goal and to never give
up. The thing I love about wrestling is that it is a personal battle, when you
step on the mat it’s all you. You’re team mates can’t save you your coach can
only yell out moves and no matter winning or losing, in pain or giving the pain
it is all on you. That is what I love about wrestling. In life it’s all you, if
you get in trouble, it’s your fault, if you don’t pay your bills on time, it’s
your fault. Wrestling unlike any team sport you rely on what you do. Wrestling
teaches you to take responsibility for your action, and to be respectful. Some
of the nicest humble people I know are wrestlers. Just because someone steps on
the mat and beats someone up doesn’t mean they are bad people. Up until I started
wrestling in the 7th grade I was always in trouble or in the
principal’s office. I wanted to show off so I could have friends and be “cool.”
Well once middle school hit and wrestling came into my life I all of a sudden
had to straighten up my act. You get bad grades, can’t wrestle. You get in
fights or disrespect your teacher, off the team. There was no room for
misbehavior. I honestly believe the sport of wrestling has made me into the
person I am today. Wrestling isn’t just a sport, it’s a lifestyle. Wrestlers
are unlike any other athlete on the planet. Day in and day out you fight, and
you fight your friends. Iowa’s head coach Tom Brands says “wrestling is a
miniature battle between two people with very strong wills.” This is very true,
wrestling is more of a battle than a sport. My best friend Kerik (who now
serves our country in the US Army) and I wrestled together every day or senior
year. During practice we tried to rip each other’s heads off. We would push
each other all over the mat, throw each other around, get mad at one another
and see who the best was that day. Once we stepped off that mat we became best
friends again. There are no friends on the wrestling mat, you’re there to take
care of business and work towards the initial goal, state champion. I’ll never
forget the battles we had I remember them like the back of my hand, it’s
because those miniature battles helped shaped me into who I am today. Something
else that brings me close to wrestling is what wrestlers do to try to be a
state champion. A state champion wrestler spends hours and hours practicing,
lifting weights, visualizing wrestling and that’s just scratching the surface.
A state champion wrestler has to discipline himself with their diets and
maintain a certain body weight, not do stupid stuff to get in trouble and blow
it, wake up in the morning and workout, maybe even workout three times a day.
They spend hours, months and even years sweating, bleeding, crying, practicing,
just for 30 seconds of glory win they win the state championship, tell me
that’s not crazy. The only way to understand wrestling is to do it, to know
what these guys go though it’s unheard of. I finally made it to the state
tournament my senior year, I was 39-6 and ranked 6th in the state
going into the tournament. To say the least I choked, I lost in my match to
place. It devastated me, to this day it bothers me, it’s because I put so much
into the sport just to have my dreams crushed. I’ll never forget that match, I
was in shock. I laid on the mat after just getting pinned against a kid I had a
5-1 match with earlier in the year, I thought to myself “this is how it ends,
last high school match ever and I gave up.” It haunts me. Now I still help
coach the same team I wrestled for in high school, republic. I help a few kids
who want it as bad as I did, I promised them I would do anything in my power to
help take them to the top and be state champions. I will never give up on them
till they reach their goals. Wrestling is more than a sport, it’s a lifestyle.
No one will understand that until they have wrestled, and no one has the right
to ever judge a wrestler. “Once you have wrestled everything else in life is
easy.”-Dan Gable. This is another quote I live by, Gable was an Olympic
champion. Wrestling has truly shaped me and changed my life, I believe in
wrestling and what it does for boys and girls, women’s wrestling is a growing
sport. I always recommend wrestling to kids starting to get involved in sports,
it’s a hard sport but in the end it is very rewarding. You don’t have to be a
state champion when it’s all said and done, just as long as you never give up
and try your hardest.
I Believe Essay
I believe in
doing what you want in life. I believe if you have a dream, protect it, and
don’t let anyone tell you that you are not capable of achieving your goals. It
doesn’t matter the size of your goal, what it is, or if it’s even logical, if
you believe in achieving something you love, then go after it. Life is too
short to not try and achieve what you have always wanted to achieve. If your
dream is a chef, go be a chef, if your dream is to be a firefighter, be a
firefighter, if you want to be a professional athlete, pick a sport and go
after it and never look back. I know it sounds so easy right? Just pick a sport
and become a professional just because you like it. If only it was that easy. I
know that many of us a mental blocks, I know this because I too have one. We
look at all these professional athletes and say “wow their great, their just
naturals and didn’t have to work for what they have,” but that’s not the case.
Anybody that is great at what they do have done repetition after repetition
after repetition of what they are great at. One of my favorite quote from my
high school wrestling coach was “when he wakes up he puts his pants on one leg
at a time just like you.” This to me means even though we may have an
undefeated state champion to wrestle he is still human and has had to work hard
and go through the same stuff as us to be where he is today, he just did extra.
Another of my favorite quotes is by Eric Thomas, he says “when you want to
succeed as bad as you want to breathe, that’s when you will be successful.” To
me that quote is so true, when you are obsessed with a goal and you eat,
breathe and sleep with that goal, that is when you will be successful. In order
to be great at something you have to be willing to do things other will not.
Like get out of bed at 5am to get in a morning workout, or do homework or
anything extra you can do to be great at what you love. It may be a long
journey and it defiantly will not happen overnight. It may take week, months,
or even years before you start to stand out from others at what you do. But I
am a firm believer if you set your mind to something, nothing will stop you.
Doing what you want it life doesn’t just mean being a professional athlete,
that’s just the wrestler inside me speaking. Doing what you want could also
mean traveling the world, or owning your own restaurant, or find new hobbies or
interest, I don’t know because it’s totally up to you. Personally I could care
less to see the world. I’ve seen the beach and that’s where I want to live so I
am happy, but if you want to see the world who’s right is it to tell you no?
Life is too short to sit around and take orders from people who you really
don’t care for too much. One of my philosophies in life is “you have your whole
life to work, do what you want to do and who cares about money.” When you did
you don’t take your money to heaven with you. I know this philosophy drives my
parents nuts, but in a way its true right? Do what you love, obviously do what
you have to also, but take more interest in what makes you happy! The money
will come. I train a few of my buddies for wrestling and I always tell them
they can be a state champion if they put in the work and believe, believe is
the key word there. If you don’t believe you can do something then why do it?
It’s mental, believe it or not but even though wrestling is a physical sport,
90% of it is mental. The battle is won before either wrestle steps on the mat.
I still struggle with believing I can do anything.
Gobstopper Story
1. Willie went to the candy store.
2. On his way home Willie showed off his
new red gobstopper to the neighborhood animals.
3. While playing with his gobstopper he
dropped it down the street drain.
4. Willie’s gobstopper went on an
adventure down the drain.
5. At the end at the drain Willie’s
gobstopper became fish food.
6. Howard the fisherman went fishing
with his grandchildren and caught a big fish.
7. One night at dinner Howard and his
wife Martha were enjoying the fish Howard caught earlier that day. When Martha
cut into the fish she the gobstopper.
8. Martha hated gobstoppers so she
through it out in the trash.
9. The Roubideaux space garbage man came
down from outer space and collect the garbage which contained the gobstopper.
Roubideaux number 1 was emptying the trash when
he came across the gobstopper.
Roubideaux 14 decided to taste the candy so he
spit it into the dark abyss of outer space.
Space man Fred found the gobstopper floating
in space.
The now famous gobstopper became famous by
appearing on the nightly news.
While at the Museum Willie discovered his
One night two robbers broke into the museum
and stole the gobstopper.
The next day the missing gobstopper makes the
paper worldwide.
Willie tells the police how that is his
gobstopper and the police chase down his gobstopper.
The go on a wild car chase to the airport.
The robbers drop the gobstopper out of the
It falls and hits some innocent farm animals.
Willie is now sad thinking he will never find
his gobstopper again.
At Willie’s 50th birthday party a
bird picks up the gobstopper from her nest thinking that it is an egg.
While carrying the gobstopper the bird drops
it and it falls and hits Willie’s window.
It bounded through the window and hits Willie
in the head.
Willie is now happy because he found his long
lost gobstopper.
First Date
On the night
of the first date I had with my girlfriend we got in a car accident. Everything
was going great up to that point, I picked her up around 5ish we had to take
her friend home real quick cause she needed a ride. After we dropped her friend
off we went to a pizza place called Garbo’s, its in the chersterfield village.
We both like the same stuff on pizza so we ordered a pizza and a side salad to
share. We sat and ate for a while and
talked and just had a good time. After dinner I built up the courage to finally
hold her hand, I figured by this point it was pretty much official. We drove
around for a while and decided sense it was still early to stop at starbucks
and get some coffee. We went inside and got some coffee then went back to the
car to talk for another hour or so just about life before we met each other.
Things were going great, I mean what could possibly ruin this night? It was by
far the best first date ever. My dad texed me just as we were about to leave
and said be careful driving home its starting to sleet. I said okay and figured
everything would be okay. I was driving safe! So I thought. We were almost
home, so close just about 5 miles away! One moment were holding hands talking,
the next the jeep is sideways sliding down M highway. I try to correct but by
this time its to late were sliding on a sheet of ice, now we just hang on for
the ride. We slide off and embankment and through a barbwire fense. We slide into the middle of a field and finally
stop and are tangled in barbwire. I manage to free my jeep from the barbwire so
we can get out of the car and call for help. Luckily one of my neighbors drove
by as it happended and stopped to help us get out of the field. We drove off
unhurt, jeep was a little hurt though. Called my dad and told him my girlfriend
called her parents to tell them of the situation. As crazy of a night it turned
out to be it was defintally a story ill never forget it will be a great story
to tell our kids one day. Best first date ive ever had. The funny thing is I
hadn’t even met her parents yet! Crazy enough they let me date her still!
Someone was defintally watching over us that night to the left and right of our
sides was tree stumps and fense post. We were very fortunate.
Things were going great, I mean what
could possibly ruin this night? It was by far the best first date ever. It
sironic because we got in a wreck! Everyting was going so good! Overall im glad
it happened. Because enow we have a story to tell. Its not your traditional
first date story dinner and a movie. At the time we were scarred to death but
now we look back and laugh at it. We actually just got in another carr accident
together on new years eve. A Deer ran out in front of us on our way to my
grandmas house and we hit it. Luckly no one was hurt, except maybe the deer the
deer ran off I have no idea if it died or not. At least the two wrecks weve had
we were togheter and no one was hurt! We defantally have a guardian angel
watching over us.we definally have fun together when we hang out, we go on tris
and stuff. Last year we went to oklahmoa city t owatch the ncaa wrestling
tournament, this year we are going to st.louis to watch it again on march 21st.
she got me the tickets as my birthday present. The road trips we have together
are fun, we bring snacks and jam out to music, Kelsey usually sleeps in the
morning for a ehile then she wakes up and talks to me. Driving home at night is
the worst part. We tend to halusinate whe we ddrive at night. Its crazy how
much the road plays tricks with your mind. At one point I thought I saw a golf
cart driving on the road. When it was kelseys turn tor drive she thought she
saw aliens. We pulled over ast a rest stop to take a quick nap. Even though it
was only like 11;30 wewere soooo tired. Im used to going to bed at im used to
going to bed at ;like 10 im pretty lame. My girlfriend usually goes to bed at
like 10 also. Im ready for the weekend it will be fun we have date night
tonight, its for sure the best night of the week. My girlfriend goes to C of O.
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